Local schoolchildren add artistic flair to Church Street site

Developer MRP has received planning consent to build its third office scheme in Brighton, following the success of The Brinell Building and CityView.

The Portland Building, on the corner of Church Street and Portland Street, will provide 30,000 sq ft of Grade A, sustainable office space over four floors.

The scheme targets BREEAM Excellent and will feature photovoltaic roof panels, a communal roof terrace, secure cycle spaces accessed via a dedicated cycle ramp, shower facilities and a private courtyard. MRP are targeting EPC and Carbon Hero Benchmark ‘A’ ratings, whereby the scheme is predicted to be 31% more carbon efficient than a typical new build office scheme.

Construction work is expected to start in Q1 2022. In the interim, the formerly derelict site has been given a colourful makeover, with pupils at Middle Street Primary School providing the inspiration for the Brighton-themed hoarding around the site.

MRP commissioned the Community arts organisation Art4Space to curate the colourful artwork with engagement from the Middle Street Primary School. The schoolchildren were asked to explore what makes them proud about living in Brighton. Their ideas – ranging from chip-eating seagulls, a mermaid and Brighton pier to images of diversity and inclusivity – were translated into 48 paintings for the hoarding.

Angus Monteith, Development Director of MRP said:

“We are excited to bring forward this highly sustainable new office building.  It has been designed for Brighton’s high growth businesses who are seeking best-in-class, environmentally aware workspace. This site has lain vacant for 20 years and MRP intends to start construction on The Portland Building which will energise this important city centre location”

Martin Clark of SHW, sole letting agent on The Portland Building, added:

“This scheme will bring much needed high-quality energy efficient offices to a city where a very high proportion of the existing offices in Brighton were built in 1960/70s and were not designed to meet the needs of the modern-day carbon emissions conscious occupier.  It is vital to rejuvenate stock for the benefit of Brighton’s future economy, and MRP has a proven track record in delivering the type of office space that Brighton occupiers require.”